I Look at Life Completely Different After Narconon

son with motherThis is Dimitry’s story of becoming a heroin addict, the destruction it caused in his life, and how he ultimately made his way to Narconon Saint Petersburg to reclaim his life from addiction.

Descending into Drug Use

Dimitry was an only child with attentive parents.  He was active in sports, and considered his life to be carefree.  But in fifth grade, he got his first taste of beer, and he liked it.  And for Dimitry, that is where is all really started.

He began smoking cigarettes in addition to the beer, going to school discos and drinking with his friends.  In ninth grade, he tried hash.  It was the cool thing to do; all of his friends were doing it and he wanted to “keep up with the flock”.

He went on to Krasnoyarsk River College, but found like-mined people there, as well.  Dimitry and a fellow student started pushing hash to earn money, but he says that ultimately it did not prove to be a profitable endeavor in any way.

He got arrested.  Despite the fact his parents were upset and angry; Dimitry says there was very little his parents could do at his age to influence him.   He managed to get treated leniently by showing remorse for his misdeed, and his case was closed by the court.  It failed to stop him.

In his third year of college, Dimitry tried heroin with a couple of friends.  He tried it again and again, becoming addicted.  Life intervened, as he had to go North on an apprenticeship for six months, and had not time for drugs.

When he returned, his “heroin brothers” were waiting for him, and the money he’d earned went for heroin.  He didn’t bother going back to college, instead wasting his earnings on drugs, and was ultimately kicked-out of college.

He continued to use heroin and got involved in financial struggles.  He turned to the “easy money” of selling heroin.  Three months later, he was thrown in prison, with a sentence of two-and-a-half years.

He was granted an early conditional release after having done half the time, and on his very first day of freedom he took heroin, and it all started again.  One month later, he was arrested again and sentenced to two years, but this time, to a high-security prison.

Again, Dimitry was granted an early conditional release after serving a year-and-a-half.  This time, it caused him to start thinking, and he took no drugs at all for the first month after his release.

Life intervened again when the police arrested his neighbor for drug trafficking.  Dimitry was good friends with the man and his wife, and she turned to him for help.  She also gave him a packet of heroin which was left from her husband’s arrest.  He called a friend to come over, and they used the heroin.

Dimitry says the song of death and destruction was sounding once more.  Two months later, he was put in prison once more, this time sentenced to 14 months in a high security prison.  He did 10 months, and was released, and things went as they usually did.

The Turning Point

A girl name Evgeniva suddenly appeared in Dimitry’s life, changing it forever.  She was a Narconon graduate, and he fell very deeply in love with her despite constantly being high. She managed to get through to him, and sent him to Narconon Saint Petersburg for rehabilitation.

Dimitry says he is extremely grateful to her for it, and is ready to worship the ground she walks on for giving him “a happy and healthy life filled with joy.”

He says, “Now I look at life in a completely different way”, that he no longer has the problems that were eating at him in the past; the ones he tried to block with heroin and alcohol.

Dimitry now works with the staff of Narconon Saint Petersburg, helping others overcome their drug and alcohol addiction. He shares with the reader that“No way out” is a wrong point of view; that “there’s always a way out of any situation or problem in life!”

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